Hi, I'm Amy Schutte 

I help entrepreneurs own their spark, embody their brand, nourish their business, and claim their vision so they can create the impact and income they deserve. 

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As a transformational messaging strategist and certified business coach,
I'm here to help you create a business on your terms. 

Your Stories are Your Greatest Currency

Transformational Messaging and Business Coach for Soul-Led Entrepreneurs  

If you are scrolling this site, I believe you're here for a reason. We can no longer play small - the world is craving leaders who are willing to create, push back on the status quo, and claim their light. 

How do we do this?

Business is one of the most effective ways to create real change, but we don't have to do it the old way to make income and impact. 

I've created a multi-million dollar business, while honoring my sacred seasons. You can too. 

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"Amy gave me more than I ever could have dreamed! Everything she said shew as going to do she did AND SO MUCH MORE!! She pushed me out of my comfort zone, encouraged me to trust her and take a risk I was otherwise too sared to do on. my own. Literally the first day after taking her advice I applied it to my website and it worked in less tahn 24 hours and continues to work exactly like she said it would. I am riching my dream clients now and I am thrilled! She set me up for success in a HUGE way." 

Ashley Bassett

Business Coaching 

Where impact meets implementation and vision meets visibility. 
This is for women in business who are ready to stop playing small and want to make meaningful changes toward their dreams while also honoring their sacred seasons and roles outside of their career. 


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This is the podcast for you if you're ready to claim the transformative power of your own origin story and use it to create a brand that finally stands out.



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Podcast Guests You'll Love 

How to Use Feng Shui to Create an Abundant Business with Kristina Hollinger

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Making Email Marketing Cool Again with Karsen Murray 

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Using Human Design to Become a Stronger Leader with Lisa McGuire  

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Come for the business tips, stay for the fun. 
